Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cold, Snow, and new loads on the X

Well, a new semester has begun, and I've managed 3 roundtrips in the past 2 weeks to work despite a hellacious schedule and crappy winter weather.  15mph headwinds, sub-zero temps, snow, rain, etc.  Plus it's always well after dark going home.

With my new wheels, Schwalbe studded tires, and lights, I've had a really pleasant experience riding in this ultra-cold weather.  The studs are like having miracle shoes on- really hard to slide unintentionally.  I climbed the driveway with a quarter inch of ice on it this afternoon easier than my wife could on foot. 

The X was useful this weekend in a different way than I've used it for before- I had a homebrewing weekend planned with my neighbor down the street- so rather than use a car or make several trips on foot, I rode "loaded," and schlepped all my equipment to his house in only a few trips. 

The best part was last night coming home when I came out to find a 1/2 inch of new snow covering the road.  Rode a few laps around in the dark, with driving snow swirling about (the neighbors are convinced I'm nuts).  The Schwalbes are KILLER in the snow and ice. 

Today I brought the boys over to his house to play with his kids.  We didn't walk, they rode the snapdeck (it's all of 1/10 of a mile, flat, no traffic)!  They loved it.  I'm totally doing it up this summer with seats for them. 

I love the Xtracycle!!!